AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certification — one spilled coffee at a time

Critical steps to studying and passing the AWS MLSC-01 certification exam

Dawn Moyer
8 min readJul 8, 2022
author's coffee-stained study notes — image by the author

Welcome to my four-month journey to study for and pass the AWS Machine Learning Speciality Certification exam. My job required me to re-platform many machine learning models to the AWS ecosystem. Since I had to learn the AWS processes anyway, I decided to sign up for the AWS ML certification exam. Might as well, I thought. It was a good decision. I was able to ramp up faster on my work projects, and I managed to get a certification as well.

I have been asked for my study plan and tips. I will share them with you now in this article.

We'll cover:

  • The Exam
  • Helpful Tips
  • My Path to Passing
  • Conclusion

Please feel free to add suggestions and learnings in the comments section. We are on this path together. Let us help each other.

The Exam

There are many resources available that detail the exam focus topics. I won't repeat these here. Download this official AWS exam guide. Read it. Read it again.



Dawn Moyer

Data Enthusiast, fallible human. A data scientist with a background in both psychology and IT.